Trademark Registration in Latin America and U.S.A.
Know the probabilities of Registering your Trademark
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Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find a company that operates outside the internet or that is not selling through social networks, so that customers can literally come from anywhere in the world. In this regard, do you know what the requirements are to register your brand internationally? Do you need to register your brand in Latin America in order to start operating your business and do not know how? Do you have the time and knowledge necessary to apply for the registration of your trademark on your own successfully? Do you want to register a collective mark?
If the answer to this and other questions related to the subject of the Trademark Registration is negative or unknown for you in the first place, you may be considering requesting technical assistance as soon as possible and save a large amount of money in future rejections of your application for registration.
Therefore, in Latin America Solutions we provide a specialized service in the advice of procedures for registration of brands that will save you: time, money, unnecessary transfers and unpleasant moments, due, we have partners and agents in each of the countries of Latin America, so that you do not have to move from the other side of the world and perform the registration procedures yourself. We do it for you.
Request an interview with one of our advisors today and we will gladly assist you.
The costs cover a normal procedure and include the following items:
• Official rates and professional fees.
• Publication in the Official Gazette.
• Administrative expenses.
• Legal advice throughout the process.
The costs do not cover the following items:
• Courier to send the registration certificate, the cost per Courier is an estimated US$ 80.00.
• Defense of oppositions or other contentious issues.
• Expenses for bank transfer.
• Translate services.
• Final certificate (decennial tax) for Brazil, the estimated cost is USD 980.00 which you must add in the structure.